In light of it being M.E/CFS awareness week this week, when is a better time to ask society to understand...Please understand if you see me looking ok, I've likely covered my greyish/pale skin...
My Journey with CFS
Nutrition. Love. Healing.
Why the green juice?
I get it. Honestly I get why you don't get it. Your not a fan of the green stuff right? Why drink green juices? Why don't you eat gluten? What is the problem...
Severe Days
Lets play a game... Ever had really really bad flu when your confined to bed? Remember and imagine that... Maybe then add on a huge hangover... OK now run 5 miles... You probably...
It's March
We have reached the 6 week mark of being house bound. But it's March which means it's nearly Spring & that is good news. WooHoo. However, there is no way to know how...
Treatment Plan.
Alot of people ask me what I take to treat my Chronic Fatigue/Lyme Disease so I thought I would do a quick blog post on what I do currently to heal my body:...
What time?
It's that time again... You know... Relapse time? I hate relapse time it's so less than ideal. Relapse time is like the most surreal of times, like someone has come in and in...
One Year Later...
If one girl can go from being bed-bound having to be bathed & fed, with test results on the floor, diagnosis after diagnosis flooding in, to now... anything can happen. I'm sorry for...
About Me
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It's that time again... You know... Relapse time? I hate relapse time it's so less than ideal. Relapse time is like the most...
Hi, I was planning on informing everyone on how my consultation went last Tuesday but I've really not been good since then, so not been ...
I've had M.E/CFS/Lyme for 9 years now and have struggled alot with the anger and frustration which comes hand in hand with this illness...
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I get it. Honestly I get why you don't get it. Your not a fan of the green stuff right? Why drink green juices? Why don't y...
I totally understand M.E/Chronic Fatigue is a weird illness to get your head around. It is for me & I have it! Nobody will ever un...
Having researched M.E/Chronic Fatigue for years, visited numerous specialists, talked to so many fellow sufferers I am of the same opinion ...
I have been a Christian for a little under a year so I am still working through many questions and finding my feet. At the moment I hear alo...
If one girl can go from being bed-bound having to be bathed & fed, with test results on the floor, diagnosis after diagnosis flooding i...