I get it. Honestly I get why you don't get it. Your not a fan of the green stuff right?
Why drink green juices? Why don't you eat gluten? What is the problem with dairy?
Your cool with your western diet right and your perfectly healthy - "Maybe if you had a good burger you would feel better this green stuff isn't doing you any good." If I had a £1 for everytime someone said that to me. All I can say is I wish I was you... I wish I could not give a second thought to what I eat or where it came from or how my body will react to that food.
But the reality? The reality is if I ate corn flakes and milk for breakfast, a sandwich with processed meats + mayo for lunch and a pizza for tea, numerous cans of fizzy drinks + coffee all day, awesome for you.
For me? I can wave goodbye to any smidgen of hope of a recovery if I ate like that all day.
Celebrate in your health, say "thank you body for never failing me".
My body? It is so sensitive, it reacts to gluten, it reacts to sugar and all the foods everyone takes for granted.
I am a determined individual, I don't want to be ill. I want to be like you, I want to be well and have a life. The only way my little body will allow that to happen is if I feed it real food. If I help those little cells along. (Those 'little cells' I want to support are the mitochondria which is the power house within our cells, so I am eating to power the inside of the cell because they don't work properly for me)
I make my own organic almond milk because the shop bought versions are full of sunflower oil which have add no benefit to my body whatsoever.
I try to eat 8 fruit and veg a day because it's packed with nutrients to fuel as much energy as I can manage.
I drink 3 litres of filtered water a day to flush out the huge amount of toxins my broken body has built up.
Let me be clear this isn't a liver which is struggling, a headache which needs pills, for a lot of chronic fatigue patients the issue is at a cellular level.
What i'm trying to say is enjoy your food & enjoy your life. But please don't judge others on what they eat. We eat like his because we have health conditions and we are determined individuals who will go to great lengths to be well. Even eating green food, we may never be as well as you, but I can tell you one thing, if we ate a western diet everyday like the rest of the world our health would be even worse.
When you have a serious chronic life changing condition, juicing helps us, spinach smoothies help us, real foods heal us. Our goal is to heal & repair our broken bodies. Nutrition is the only thing which has helped my symptoms. If it takes green smoothies, organic food, wheatgrass shots and a handful of supplements a day to make me well then that's fine with me.
Bring on the green juice people!!
Becks xoxo
When I hit 35, I knew full well my health was in a downward spiral if I didn't meet it head on. I wasn't looking healthy and got overweight, thankfully, Green energy drinks really helped me there.