Hi, I've been meaning to blog about this for ages because I was actually diagnosed with this back in February. Though various tests my specialist found I had a Candida problem
Candida is an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus in the body (in my case the upper gut). It is found in everyone and usually kept to normal levels by the body's good bacteria. However, if like me your immune system is compromised the yeast can multiply and transforms into a serious fungus problem, which in my case has been so powerful as to grow roots in my intestine and is allowing particles of food into my bloodstream called 'leaky gut'.
Signs & Symptoms
- Abdominal pain
- Acne
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Gas
- Bloating
- Belching
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Reoccurring vaginal yeast infections
- Nasal congestion
- Bad breath
- Skin rashes
- Allergies
- Chemical sensitivities
- Rectal itching
- Muscle aches
- Cold hands & feet
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Frequent mood swings
An Overgrowth can be caused by...
- High intake of sugar
- High intake of foods containing yeasts or mold eg. alcohol, cheese
- Prolonged antibiotics kill off the 'good bacteria' allowing overgrowth
- Oral contraceptive pill
- Low immune system - caused by stress, environment, toxins, illness, infection
- Hypothyroidism
The 'Plan'
It's all well and good me telling you how my Candida has become an issue but what the solution?
Well since Feb. I've been on an 'anti-candida' diet, I need to kill the horrible nasty Candida bugs. As soon as I went on this diet I became even more poorly because this is the 'die-off' period. All the bugs were dying off & needing to be detoxed out of my body but since this period has passed I've felt much better.
My job is to...
- Ensure optimal nutrition, remove the nasty bugs & toxins (no sugar, fruit, yeasty products, alcohol etc.)
- Learn to handle stress differently
- Specifically target to deactivate yeasts (eat garlic, coconut water)
- Detox (the physio I do each day to drain the Lymphatic system)
- Help to heal the lining of the stomach & intestine which have been damaged due to the fungus (Aloe vera juice, eating ginger)
To be bluntly honest this diet is brutal, it's brought my mood down, I have massive mood swings because I can't eat sugar.
Over Easter it really got to me & I could not be bothered I ate chocolate when I wanted, you name is biscuits, ice creams, cakes I had given up. But after a month of that & seeing how my symptoms slowly started to come back & I deteriorated, I knew I had to stick to this stupid diet.
Speaking with my specialist last week she has allowed me to have a 'binge' day.
By me eating sugary food day in day out I was constantly feeding the bugs, they were loving it, getting fed on sugar everyday, allowing themselves to multiply again but one blow out day shouldn't affect things too much - bring on Tuesday!!
Callum tried to help me imagine the nasty bugs
It is common for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to develop Candida issues, which can be a major set back in their recovery. Hopefully when I can have this problem under control I can begin to move forward once again...