I'm done with New Years Resolutions - I find them too cliche because if something in your life needs changing, change it anytime of the year.
Instead I have set myself a list of goals I would love to achieve in 2013 & some things to be working towards.
I am so excited to be going back to studying. I cannot wait to be in student mode and learning more about nutrition starting January
I want to join a yoga/meditation class
Continue to learn the piano
Drink more Champagne
I would love to do some volunteer work, maybe just one morning/afternoon a week to begin
I have always wanted to visit New York so I am saving for that and perhaps later in the year depending on my health I hope to book a last minute trip. So excited for that, I want to do everything there!!
My best friends have all moved away now to Leeds & London & this year I really want to visit them & see their worlds
Focus on my health has to be my main focus. There is nothing more important that than to me
Continuing to grow as a Christian
Grow my hair long again
Make sure 2013 is better than 2012!!
Happy New Year people :)
Here's to 2013
Bekz xoxo