In light of it being M.E/CFS awareness week this week, when is a better time to ask society to understand...
Please understand if you see me looking ok, I've likely covered my greyish/pale skin & lifeless eyes in make up & that may be the first time I have ventured out all week. This doesn't mean I am now fine, this means I am using every ounce of energy to be out the house for a limited time.
Please understand if I am in a wheelchair it is no reason to stare or feel sorry for me. It is my saving grace to help me go out & be envolved in the outside world.
Please don't say "Have you seen the doctor?" I am not stupid I am obviously doing everything I can to help my body.
Please understand if you see me on social media enjoying life, know I do enjoy life & just because I'm sick doesn't mean I don't deserve that. You may see a snapshot of my life, you don't see me 2 hours later when I am back in bed & my body is in payback for enjoying that short time joining normal society. I rarely post ill pictures of me on social media because nobody wants to see that.
Please don't say I am crazy because I choose alternative medicine to heal myself, this works for me & this is what I believe in since the science now shows it.
Please understand if I say I can't see you it isn't because I don't want to its because I am very very unwell but I hope to be well soon & I hope you will still be there for me.
Please don't try to disagree with my life & judge my decisions, unless you have lived with a chronic illness.
Please don't say I am faking it or over exaggerating my illness.
Please understand I understand this is a horrid illness to wrap your mind around. I long for the day we live in a loving society where people aren't judged for being sick or having a condition. Thankfully I have my own little society full of kind, helpful, loving friends and family & for them I am eternally grateful to Jesus for placing them all in my life to support me & stand next to me on this journey.
Thank you
Becky xoxo
I get it. Honestly I get why you don't get it. Your not a fan of the green stuff right?
Why drink green juices? Why don't you eat gluten? What is the problem with dairy?
Your cool with your western diet right and your perfectly healthy - "Maybe if you had a good burger you would feel better this green stuff isn't doing you any good." If I had a £1 for everytime someone said that to me. All I can say is I wish I was you... I wish I could not give a second thought to what I eat or where it came from or how my body will react to that food.
But the reality? The reality is if I ate corn flakes and milk for breakfast, a sandwich with processed meats + mayo for lunch and a pizza for tea, numerous cans of fizzy drinks + coffee all day, awesome for you.
For me? I can wave goodbye to any smidgen of hope of a recovery if I ate like that all day.
Celebrate in your health, say "thank you body for never failing me".
My body? It is so sensitive, it reacts to gluten, it reacts to sugar and all the foods everyone takes for granted.
I am a determined individual, I don't want to be ill. I want to be like you, I want to be well and have a life. The only way my little body will allow that to happen is if I feed it real food. If I help those little cells along. (Those 'little cells' I want to support are the mitochondria which is the power house within our cells, so I am eating to power the inside of the cell because they don't work properly for me)
I make my own organic almond milk because the shop bought versions are full of sunflower oil which have add no benefit to my body whatsoever.
I try to eat 8 fruit and veg a day because it's packed with nutrients to fuel as much energy as I can manage.
I drink 3 litres of filtered water a day to flush out the huge amount of toxins my broken body has built up.
Let me be clear this isn't a liver which is struggling, a headache which needs pills, for a lot of chronic fatigue patients the issue is at a cellular level.
What i'm trying to say is enjoy your food & enjoy your life. But please don't judge others on what they eat. We eat like his because we have health conditions and we are determined individuals who will go to great lengths to be well. Even eating green food, we may never be as well as you, but I can tell you one thing, if we ate a western diet everyday like the rest of the world our health would be even worse.
When you have a serious chronic life changing condition, juicing helps us, spinach smoothies help us, real foods heal us. Our goal is to heal & repair our broken bodies. Nutrition is the only thing which has helped my symptoms. If it takes green smoothies, organic food, wheatgrass shots and a handful of supplements a day to make me well then that's fine with me.
Bring on the green juice people!!
Becks xoxo
We have reached the 6 week mark of being house bound. But it's March which means it's nearly Spring & that is good news. WooHoo.
However, there is no way to know how long this will last. Another month, another 6 months?
I'm doing some functional testing myself with the private nutrition companies. Not an ideal time for my psychologist to stop working - I'm currently trying to find a new one.
I have struggled recently because my sister moved out in the summer so a lot of the time I am by myself with nobody to talk to so I am missing her a lot.
Absolutely love my friends they are amazing at the moment! Small texts mean a lot & when I'm feeling abit stronger they come and visit (one at a time please people). I'm so thankful & grateful for all of them.
A lot of love for my man at the moment. He knew he was signing up for a girlfriend with a condition but it takes a great guy to do my weekly shop, cook my tea for me, walk Fudge & help me tidy & make my bed. He never moans about anything he just loves me everyday. I'm so proud of how he's dealing with everything & coping with me. It's hard to see someone you love so weak & down. He keeps me strong & smiling *soppiness over*
*Family photo only 2 months ago*
Bring on the light nights, peonies, dresses & sunshine...
Hope you are all well friends
Lots of love
Becks xoxo
It's that time again... You know... Relapse time? I hate relapse time it's so less than ideal.
Relapse time is like the most surreal of times, like someone has come in and in one swoop taken everything you enjoy away and your like "Wow what happened there?" - you know what I mean.
It's so annoying because there were no signs, I live by signs and there was nothing!! I felt so well, which makes it even more frustrating!
I'm pretty much house bound, just in bed and the sofa. Thank goodness for Joe's Netflix account and these two Cockapoos. The severe fatigue, the aching, the weakness, the emotions, the brain fog, the loss of appetite, the frustrations.
Don't get me wrong I know i am very lucky, alot live in total relapse and i'm moaning about 2+ weeks. It's so typical CFS/Lyme, who knows when it will strike and we live not knowing how long it will last for. I can't get too frustrated because it only makes things 10x worse.
Lets just wait it out and see what happens I guess.
It's given me alot of time for reflection, not sure on my conclusions on life... I will get back to you.
I do know I have an amazing boyfriend, family, friends, church family & work - so I am very thankful.
Have a healthy week